The Donizetti Museum
The Donizetti Museum is situated on the first floor of the ‘Domus Magna’, in Via Arena, 9. The figure of Gaetano Donizetti is presented to us through an exhibition of portraits, personal objects and autograph scores of the composer, following a thematic/chronological path of 5 stages:
1. The celebrations of 1897;
2. Studies in Bergamo and Bologna;
3. The burgeoning composer;
4. The career opera composer;
5. The man: in private and at work.
The museum tour takes in multimedia stations that allow the visitor to learn more about the history of Gaetano Donizetti and to listen to his music. The Donizetti Museum suggests completing the tour by visiting the birthplace and native home of the composer, ‘Casa Natale’ in the street of Via Borgo Canale, and the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore, which conserves his remains.
From Tuesday to Friday: 10.00am – 1.00pm
Saturday and holydays: 10.00am – 1.00pm / 3.00am – 6.00pm
Closed on Monday, Christmas and 1st January
Intero: 5€
Ridotto: 3€*
*Valido per Amici del Museo delle storie di Bergamo, studenti universitari fino a 26 anni, soci T.C.I – Touring Club Italiano, gruppi di 15 persone.
Gratuito per:
Studenti fino a 18 anni, disabili, soci ICOM, giornalisti, guide abilitate, Abbonamento Musei Lombardia.